Thursday, October 9, 2008

Research Summary

British slang is used by many of the social classes. Modern British slang is constantly changing, just like American slang. However, there are the tried and true words as in "bloody" "lorry" or "bloke". While not everyone uses slang, most do. Higher classes don't use some types of slang. In American slang, some words are used by everyone, like "cop" or "bucks". Lower class slang would be words like "ain't, crib, props, peeps and java". These words will change over time. Higher class slang is usually "frozen", the words don't change much throughout time. For example, "lorry, chap, mate, bangers, mash, chips, crisps" these are all words used by everyone. The words that might be slang to us is normal vocabulary to the users.

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